2YUK Productions is a film production company.
Film, video, web... 2YUK has worked in various mediums from short films to music videos to feature films.
Whether it's promotional, documentary or fiction, we strive to create the best film possible, period.
Gary Chan (founder) has won awards in directing, cinematography and editing.
2YUK films have played in film festivals such as the Seattle Int'l Film Festival, Newport Beach Int'l Film Festival,
Santa Barbara Int'l Film Festival and more. The feature film IN MY LIFE is available for sale and the
documentary CHURCH OF MY FATHER won third place at the iOpen Film Festival.
2YUK has also worked with clients such as World Poker Tour, indieoma (shooting interviews with Andy Dick,
Taylor Negron and others), and Cal State Fullerton. We continue to meet the media needs of
web sites, non-profits and musicians. Check out the media page for some examples.